Removing Borders from Header Image

The next thing that annoys me about the WordPress Theme, is the border around the header image – which is obviously CSS based. I adjust the code as follows:

#branding img {
border-top: none;
border-bottom: none;
#header {
padding: 0 0 0;
Shows Header Image Before, with border, and After without border using CSS to Change

About Lauren Smith (@awf_fitgirl)

With over 10 years experience as a brands marketer, I have worked with a solid stable of global names and gained extensive experience in building an online presence for FMCG Brands. Throughout my career I have planned, lead and controlled all areas of the marketing mix with an emphasis on budgeting for and delivering results in digital direct marketing, CRM and database management. I am addicted to the internet and the wealth of expression it has to offer. I blog, tweet and update my facebook status obsessively. For years I have been telling marketing managers that the future is digital and now the future is here! (Well, the new future is mobile isn't it!). I am catching up on the technical skills to help boost my brand marketing experience. This blog, is the portfolio of my Masters in Digital Media.
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